Ubuntu meets Docker

Ubuntu has jumped on the Docker bandwagon with it’s latest OS release called “Snappy Ubuntu Core”. Snappy Ubuntu Core is a new rendition of Ubuntu with a mini server image with the same libraries as today’s Ubuntu but custom made to be the cloud platform for this new age of apps in containers. This is where Docker has been shaking up the industry lately.

Docker is a new tool for developers to deliver applications straight from the workstation to the cloud. And since a good amount of developers already use a Linux based OS, Ubuntu has seen wild success with their adoption of Docker. Snappy Ubuntu Core makes an even crisper host for Docker deployments then previous versions.

I downloaded the VMware OVA from the Ubuntu website and played around with it for a little bit. It is actually pretty cool. Some of the commands are a bit different then traditional Ubuntu but Ubuntu has a short tutorial to help you get the hand of it quickly. It is a nice light VM that can run on almost any machine. If you are an Ubuntu guy (or gal) and you are interested in Docker I would definitely recommend playing around with it.

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